Team America

gas prices abroad

Below is what we've been paying for gasoline along our journey. The highest so far has been here in Turkey due to high taxes. The lowest is Hungary most likely because it's hungary.

Hope this puts some perspective on our gas prices.

local currency per liter $usd per gallon
1.36£ british pound $8.45
1.56€ france euro $8.36
1.68€ belgium euro $9.00
1.51€ germany euro $8.09
35.70 czech koruny $7.87
297.9 hungarian fortints $5.85
399.9 hungarian fortints $7.84
5.57 romania leu $7.03
2.52 bulgarian levs $6.90
2.52 turkish liras $9.46
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  1. Well I’d say it’s a good thing you’re getting good MPG with that little car, you should have enough money to finish the trip, since you can’t find food during the day, I’ll eat BBQ hamburger in your honor…mmmm BBQ gaahh (think Homer)

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